
Mario Cid

El artista debe seguir sus impulsos, trascender las rejas que le impone su realidad cotidiana. SALVADOR DALI.
Battery Park
star2 chat_bubble11 visibility3.078
Gaviotas en Battery ...
in a place not identified by the...
star1 chat_bubble6 visibility2.650
1972 Kennedy Half-do...
in a place not identified by the...
star1 chat_bubble3 visibility2.424
Rembrandt Toothpaste...
Undefined Parking Garage
star0 chat_bubble8 visibility1.669
Oldsmobile Cutclass ...
cleveland (ohio)
star0 chat_bubble4 visibility1.614
Collage con fotos de...
San Francisco
star0 chat_bubble4 visibility1.530
dearborn (michigan, usa)
star0 chat_bubble4 visibility1.328
El emblema de la For...
star2 chat_bubble3 visibility1.306
Manhattan Skyline (r...
unidentified site by the photogr...
star0 chat_bubble7 visibility1.158
La florecilla roja d...
new york city - usa
star0 chat_bubble2 visibility1.180
New York Post Newspa...
star0 chat_bubble7 visibility1.160
My old basketball Re...
San Francisco
star0 chat_bubble5 visibility1.156
Las calles de San Fr...
star0 chat_bubble3 visibility1.120
The Philadelphia Inq...
San Francisco
star0 chat_bubble3 visibility1.062
San Francisco Chroni...
soho - lower manhattan
star1 chat_bubble4 visibility1.006
a man flipping throu...
screen capture / captura de pant...
star0 chat_bubble3 visibility962
The New York Post. T...
new york city - usa
star0 chat_bubble0 visibility864
Daily News Newspaper...
    17 fotos